The days are passing by faster and faster as my routine becomes no more. My sleeping has become the most random thing in my days, I never sleep at the same time in two following days.
As I was lacking sleep, I overslept this night, missing my swimming this morning due to having sleept so much.
But this is a nightmare to be played with the eyes wide open.
It's seems that whenever I solve an issue, three more issues show up to be solved by me and I just can't handle them in time so they won't split into more and more problems.
Or I just might not care about some problems, not at all.
I have more substantial (fancy word) stuff (shitty word) to work in. I long everyday to fly away, far, far away from this country and dive myself into the unknown once again for a change.
"I may be paranoid, but not an android"

A long time ago, an alchemist called Paracelsus (this is a STORY, ok ? Part true, part false) was working into creating a lifeform without a concentional whoom. He spent a lot of time studying about it and then he had the brilliant (no) idea of putting horse poo and his own semen inside a coffin made of glass and then buring it down for forty days. OF COURSE IT DIDN'T WORK. Come on, he could have been more creative. horse shit + cum + vial of glass + forty days = human ? I don't think so.
But Paracelsus was very useful to science as he developped nice works with some elements like mercury and iron.
Getting back to the main subject which is myself, I'd say that I am more instable than I actually, usually, most of the times, am.
But it doesn't matter much right now, because I need a shower. It's too warm here and I need a shower.
Probably, I am just studying too much philosophic bullshit at the university, haha.
When I used to play megamanX, I played as Zero. I just thought him to be so damn cool. Long hair, samurai and with a troublesome mind and lifestyle and lifestory. I've always also been more into the quick characters too. Megaman was just too boring and slow with his bubbly bubble shots.
Zero was the darndest awesome character. Always lost between good and evil, past and present.
Zero didn't need a stupid ultimate armor to kick some asses down in that game. He had his super double-jump and his amazing "light-saber" hahahahaha. And he didn't need "the force", not at all !
Personally, my favorite game from megamanX series was "Megaman X5", maybe because it was the one which I reached the end !
And the game was so creative, cool and well-themed and the original sound-track leaves no insatisfactions !!
I also must admit that Dynamo was crazy awesome shit too.
I'm such a nerd :B
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