Welcome to Daedalus' Labyrinth

This blog has been created with the intention of posting online some ideas, points of view, histories, stories, tales and anything else that its creators want to write about.

The posts will be signed as from "Daedalus" or from "Uranus", therefore, differenciation will be easily noticed.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fear; Dreams, Memory

Fear seems to be presente in almost all living people. It's an ancestral behavior, it's primitive and irrational in it's own hideous way.
People fear a lot of things, the variations of fear are very wide. But all egree that the unknown is something known as a fear bringer. We feel menaced by what we have not yet seen and by what we have not yet known.
Thus, fear is like anger, you have to master it before it becomes the master of you.
Our families are good schools of fears, because each one of them has his/her own fears, then we find that some of their fears look stupid and silly to us, when our fears might look meaningless to them. These differences are useful when people help each others to get over their deepest dreads.
Dreams. Nightmares are great when it comes down to fear subjects. Nightmares take our darkest dreads and create the weirdest gruesome situations with them, so we can learn how to deal with them at their worst, at their ellusive true form. Each dream/nightmare has a lesson to teach or something to show us. Alas, what we get from our dreams is free and it's only ours.
Personally, I love dreaming and daydreaming. I enjoy my nightmares, because I learn from them. I enjoy my lucid dreams, because I can fly and feel ultimately free. I am silly enough to get infatuated by illusions from my dreams, and it's frustrating when I wake up and suddenly realize that they were nothing but illusions, shades built from my memories.
I do remember a lot about the many dreams I have every night. I've read it's typical from people who are through problematic days and blahblahblah
I also enjoy talking about dreams, I am a very talkative person by the way.

Written by Daedalus

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