Welcome to Daedalus' Labyrinth

This blog has been created with the intention of posting online some ideas, points of view, histories, stories, tales and anything else that its creators want to write about.

The posts will be signed as from "Daedalus" or from "Uranus", therefore, differenciation will be easily noticed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I hate being sick. I guess everyone does too. I've just got this flu these last two days and it's really pissing me off. My nose is clogged and my my ears feel pressed and my throath is the only which has got any better. Being sick sucks, because it feels like if you had lost control over your own body and your body just want to get rid of that sickness as soon as possible ... sometimes by dying.
I'm supposed to say goodbye to my very speacial friend today and to see other two friends of mine tomorrow and, who knows, even do something in this weekend before I go back to Rio de Janeiro.
How am I going to have a dramatic goodbye with a clogged nose and a screwed up voice ? It would probably be very fail.
Cool, I have less than three hours to get better and look brand new again. Come on, body. Let's work it out.

Why do I hate flus ?
1- Because I like to breath with my whole nose.
2- Because I don't like my natural voice and I dislike even more my "nose. clogged" voice.
3- Because it's #$%¨*& useless to be sick or to have this blasted flu
4- Because it jeopardizes my schemes.
5- Because, obviously, being healthy is like ten thousand times better !

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