Welcome to Daedalus' Labyrinth

This blog has been created with the intention of posting online some ideas, points of view, histories, stories, tales and anything else that its creators want to write about.

The posts will be signed as from "Daedalus" or from "Uranus", therefore, differenciation will be easily noticed.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What dwells within

I am used to live between alternate states of extreme joy and sadness. It has, therefore, it's ups and downs, my life is like a rollercoaster which I am stuck in until the end.
Today, I am euphoric, that means that I might be a piece of shit tomorrow. But I am used to such as I said before. People like me can't stand to be ordinary, we're either in the highest top or in the deepest abyss.
I feel, inside of me, something warm, like a flame. This flame pushes me on and on, however, as it's fire, it needs to feed. Then it becomes a void, a hunger burning deep inside of me and which I have to struggle on and on to feed.
I don't know if I still believe in love. I'll probably believe in it again once I've found it once more.
I like to tell myself that there's a person, a half-part for each one of us. But that can be frustrating. I've already believed three people to be my other half. But it doesn't make sense, how would a half of a whole unrequite and forsake the other part of oneself ?
Although I've been screwed up by love, I do not regret it, I do not regret anything at all. I just think that there's much more I could have done...
Whenever I find someone who I believe to be a lost part of me, I have the strange feeling of satisfaction, of completeness. Like if my void didn't even exist.
This monday, my life will change a lot, because I'll be starting anew in another town, in the university, into the unknown I shall be diving.

This song kind of expresses how I see love.
And this other song how do I feel inside.

Written by Daedalus

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