I am used to live between alternate states of extreme joy and sadness. It has, therefore, it's ups and downs, my life is like a rollercoaster which I am stuck in until the end.
Today, I am euphoric, that means that I might be a piece of shit tomorrow. But I am used to such as I said before. People like me can't stand to be ordinary, we're either in the highest top or in the deepest abyss.
I feel, inside of me, something warm, like a flame. This flame pushes me on and on, however, as it's fire, it needs to feed. Then it becomes a void, a hunger burning deep inside of me and which I have to struggle on and on to feed.
I don't know if I still believe in love. I'll probably believe in it again once I've found it once more.
I like to tell myself that there's a person, a half-part for each one of us. But that can be frustrating. I've already believed three people to be my other half. But it doesn't make sense, how would a half of a whole unrequite and forsake the other part of oneself ?
Although I've been screwed up by love, I do not regret it, I do not regret anything at all. I just think that there's much more I could have done...
Whenever I find someone who I believe to be a lost part of me, I have the strange feeling of satisfaction, of completeness. Like if my void didn't even exist.
This monday, my life will change a lot, because I'll be starting anew in another town, in the university, into the unknown I shall be diving.
This song kind of expresses how I see love.
And this other song how do I feel inside.
Written by Daedalus
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